Medical Eye Exam

Did you know that a comprehensive eye exam not only updates your glasses RX, but also can serve to diagnose and manage broader health issues? An eye exam can detect diseases such as diabetes as well as screen for a multitude of eye diseases.
That is why Mott Optical Group is dedicated to investing in state of the art equipment such as the OCT and Fundus Camera to check your eyes for more serious eye and health problems. The OCT is routinely used to take images patients’ eyes with glaucoma and can also detect macular holes, macular degeneration suspect patients, and diabetic retinopathy among other retinal diseases. The OCT screening is painless but thorough! Since our optometrists are the primary care doctors of optometry, if we do see something serious, we will refer you to a specialist ophthalmologist.

The fundus camera looks at the back of the eye and takes a picture of the retina, which is a sensory membrane that is responsible for your color and black and white vision. Using this camera will allow us to document abnormalities of disease process affecting the eye, and/or to follow up on the progress of the eye condition/disease such as diabetes, age-macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and neoplasm of the choroid, cranial nerves, retina, or eyeball.
Other eye diseases that our optometrists can diagnose and treat include dry eyes, floaters, and rapidly changing prescriptions for younger children.
At Mott Optical Group, we are dedicated to building a trusted patient/doctor relationship, enhance our patient experience, and give you healthy eyes and clear sight today so you can realize your vision, tomorrow.
*Medical eye exam is available at Mott Street, Flushing Optical, MKVC Forest hills, MKVC Brooklyn, MKVC Staten Island and MK2 optical.