"Clarity Today" Vision Screening
at Public Schools
at Public Schools
Mott Optical Group sincerely believes that one of the most important things that a child should have at an early age is clear vision. Children should have their eyes checked annually when they first enroll in school. As a way to give back to the community, Mott Optical Group initiated a "Clarity Today" Vision Screening Program to help children have healthy vision at a young age. We offer FREE vision screenings for kids up to the fifth grade who study at local public schools. This year, we went to P.S.140, P.S.94, and P.S.130. Our optician screened over 1000 kids, helped them identify vision problems and offered suggestions on how to protect their eyes. If your school is interested in participating in this program, please email our Marketing Assistant Chloe at chloe@mkeyewear.com to arrange a vision screening at your school. |
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